Thursday 16 June 2016

Cultural Mufti Photos

China by Liyang

Chinese people eat moon cakes at a special festival which is held in October. Every festival Chinese people make special things.
In different festivals sometimes they make stuffed buns to celebrate.

Scootland festavales;by Andrew


A man named GUY FAWKS tried to blow up the parlament houses with 20 barrels of gun powder in 1605.But unforchinly for him he got cuot and hong.

China by Liyang

Chinese people eat moon cakes at a special festival which is held in October. Every festival Chinese people make special things.
In different festivals sometimes they make stuffed buns to celebrate.

Tuesday 14 June 2016

Diwali in India by Devya

We Indians celebrate a special day called Diwali because its the Indian new year

Diwali starts in mid October and ends in early November.

We sing and dance and play a Indian game called Dhandia .

For Diwali we make Indian sweets. we put up lights and decorate our houses.

We eat Indian food for the good of people

south africa by caitlyn

The schools are closed on Christmas eve. It finishes at night  and day. The trees are popular. The children put socks at the chimney. The Christmas meal is turkey or duck and roast beef.

Australia by Angela

Australia has many things like Apollo Bay music festival. They get performers to dance on the stage just like China.

Diwali in India by Avijeet

We Indians celebrate a special day called Diwali because it's the Indian new year.

Diwali starts in the middle of October and ends in early November.

We sing,dance and play a game called Dhandia -it's very exciting indeed.

For Diwali we make sweets and lights called diva. (d-ee-va)

We eat sweets and other Indian foods for the good of people.

Chinese New Year by Derek

On Chinese New Year we saw fireworks.

We saw lanterns.

We ate a lot of food.

Some people gave me money.

Malaysia Christmas Kimi

At Christmas we eat the fruit. We eat some vegetables.

We wear the hat. We sing the songs. We play with other people.

festivals in Australia by Isabella

In Australia they celebrate Christmas at the same time as us.

They have the festival because that was when Jesus were born.

The festival starts on Christmas eve and ends at the end of Christmas day

They have big dinners and party's.

They make lots of sand  people.

They offer to have big dinners  on their sreet

I think that festival's in Australia heer fun.

Australia by Alex

The Australian festival starts at Christmas and ends at the end of Christmas .
They build sand snowmen.

Dragon Boat Festival by Vanessa

Dragon Boat Festival is in the 9th of June.
The Dragon Boat Vestival is made by Qu Yuan.
Qu Yuan was born in a ruling family and served in high offices.
But someone else has sayed that Qu Yuan just wanted to be the Emperor.
So now the emperor won't give him the impotent job anymore.
And Qu Yuan was sad ,so he jumped into the Miluo River and drowned himself.
And that's why we are going to celebrate 
We sometimes go to the Vestival and sometimes don't.
At the festival there are two dragon boats, and there are two groups of people.
We stand on the side and watched the the dragon boats as they raced acrossed the lake.
The people on the dragon boats need to paddle to make the Dragon boats move.
 And that means that the dragon boats are not "very" fast. 
On The Dragon Boat Festival we eat "Rice Dumplings".
Rice dumplings are wrapped up in the Chinese bamboo leaves, and inside the chinese bamboo leaves are rice.
We tied the chinese  bamboo leaves with the  chinese bamboo strings. 
The Dragon Boat Festival is very important and fun. 

Te Maeva Nui festival by Tuia

Te Maeva Nui festival is the largest in the Cook Islands and all around  the Pacific. Dancers perform on the stage. They do lots of types of dances.

Australia Celebrations BY Mia

Australia has many things like Apollo bay music festival,Seaside and art festivals
many sorts of things.Australia has there festival at cottesloe beach.In Australia they
get performers to dance on stage just like China.In Brisbane as in (Australia) they
exeplode fireworks.Australia has international art festivals.Brisbane as (Australia)
they participate some community people,like real people but different.Australia
has opera,dance group and singing as in choir!.Australia is the !BEST!.

Hanoi by andy

Vietnam shares land border with china to the north ambodia and laosto the west

In the 2009 is the year of the ox-or more a pprorialy for vietnam the .year  of the

Taiwan by Tammy

They have a lantern festival in Taipei for New Year. They start at night time. People have to put up the lanterns. They also have their own celebration with special activities. They also have dumplings for the New Year.

India by Shiv

Diwali is a big  Hindu festival  celebrated in India.

English celebrations by micah

1. Guy Fawks.  A man named Guido tried to blow up the English parliament. one really knows the origin of this celebration.
3.St George's day.St George helped people who had syphilis and plague.
I hope you have learned something new because I put a lot of effort into this.

England celebrations By Max

We have been learning about celebrations so i will show you some from England!!!

1. Guy Fawkes a man named Guido Fawkes tried to blow up the British parliament with 20 barrels of gunpowder he got hanged from the tower of London causing death.

2. St Georges day people believed that he slayed a dragon and helped people suffering from leprosy plague and syphilis.

3. Halloween origins are unknown but people think its a celebration of the Christians and dead people.

4. April fools no one really knows how April fools started but it has been kept for hundreds of years.

I hope you enjoyed reading these facts about England celebrations and i hope you learned a little too;)!!!

England celebrations by Luke

Here at room 4 we have been learning about celebrations i researched on England here's what i found

1. Guy Fawkes a man named Guido Fawkes tried to blow up the British  parliament  with 20 barrels of gunpowder instead he got arrested and was dropped out of the tower of London killing him people celebrate this day  with fireworks.                                                                                                                                                                          2.St Georges day. People believed St George slayed a dragon making him very famous but the real reason was that George helped people with leprosy plague and syphilis. 

3. The origins of Halloween  are unknown but people predict that its a holiday of the Christians and the dead ones.

4. April fools No one really knows about this custom  but it has been kept for hundreds of years. 

I hope you enjoyed the majestic celebrations about England and hope you learned something too.

Thanksgiving day in America by Alyssa

Thanksgiving day first started when they found a new land in 1623.

They have a big feast with turkey,pumpkin pie and potatoes and gravy.
Some people even have fruit bowl decorations.
It is on the 24 of November.

Thanksgiving day is very important to America.

Public Holidays And Festivals In Samoa by shayne

Samoa have festivals because its a special day where everyone garthers together and do cool games and have yummy food. They do fire wrings at night  which is so cool.They eat chop suey,roasted chicken and puligi pudding.For dessert they have coconut buns and biscuits.The main reason of the of the festival is when everyone spends some time together.a

thanksgiving in America by raegan

Thanksgiving is a celebration in America . Only the Americans celebrate the acashion.

The reason Americans celebrate is because they found new land in 1623 24th of November

The festival  starts early in the morning and people do activities all day have a feast.

They use fruit bowls on the table and you can trace around your hand and make it look like a turkey .

The food we eat at thanksgiving  is turkey ,pumpkin pie ,potatoes and gravy .


Facts about the slave parade. The Cape town people are celebrating because they are finished being slaves. They celebrate January 2 every year. They dance and sing marching down the street. They carry colourful umbrellas and paint their faces WHITE!!! But why do they paint their faces white? Well I don't know why. They don't eat anything. It's also called the Coon carnival. So this is about coon carnival or slave parade. By James.N

Thursday 9 June 2016

white tailed spiders are dangerous by joerick

I think white tailed spiders are dangerous because they can kill stuff in your house. They can kill enemies like cockroaches and uther spiders. Wien the spiders ses a bug in a weeb the spiders kums to eat it.

why hyenas are awesome by luke

intro.there are many pets some like falcons or eagles are good pets for speed and strength they are tame and calm  but i want a pet with some insane firepower and not to big

1.So that's why the hyena comes in handy with a spine demolishing bite the hyena won't stop at anything even if the preys larger than itself it will surely crush its skull with ease so then i don't have to buy chew toys for the hyena or food.

2.though the hyena doesn't have that much strength in its body but it can run fast with a deadly neck breaking bite also being able to run super long distances this  micro devil can outrun many preys or foes making this killing machine beastly though not as big as a male lion but for sure can  rip him into thin strips of meat

3.the hyena can sometimes be a pest because it makes a strange sound but really i wouldn't mind cause it would terrify the soul out of any foe that dares to come near. With a bite to make a crocodile bleed  crimson gore blood its the small devil of unstoppable force no matter the size of the foe it will crush its entire body.

conclusion.So if your still not thinking about getting a hyena then think twice they are endangered so you could help save them also its the perfect daredevil for guarding a mansion or a palace or just your plain old average  house just think the look on your foes faces. When they see the hyena they will most likely never return to your house again. Though it looks small and powerless its compact strength is perfect for taking down big  cumbersome beasts.

Hope you enjoyed my blog post and really hope your not as cranky as this hyena  if you are you really need to keep reading blog posts (But mostly mine)

School is awful By Avijeet

                                                     School is awful by Avijeet

                         I think school is awful because we stay inside for too long.

Reason 1: Writing is what i hate and it's just that it's terribly long and writing hurts my hand because it hurts badly.

Reason 2: We stay inside for too long, which make us stay inside for 1 to 2 hours.

Reason 3:School is TERRIBLY long and boring which makes me bored because I want to watch YouTube,TV and play Minecraft. I Wish school was 4 hours long instead for 6 hours.

My cat is dangerous. BY MICAH

 I think my cat Oscar is dangerous and here's why.

My cat bites a lot and it really hurts so you don't want to be bitten by him.It also can spread diseases and its super annoying because sometimes he does it when your sleeping or watching TV. 

When my cat scratches it cuts deep in to your skin and spreads lots of bacteria.If you get too much bacteria you get sick and it hurts too.
BY Attacking
When my cat attacks you it's super dangerous because he could pull your eye out.Its really annoying too.

I think my cat is really dangerous and I hope you do as well after all my reasons.


dogs are cute by isabella

I think dogs are cute because they run and play around.

Dogs run around  all over the place.Some times they fall over their legs.Dogs roll on their backs and you can scratch their tummy. 

I  think dogs are playful because when you throw their toys the chase  their toys all around the 
place .

When dogs are exited they wag their tails they hit you.

Dogs are cute because they are soft and fluffy.

Puppys are cute! BY MIA

Introduction:Puppys are cute  and soft.

Puppys are soft and cute.Puppys have smooth fur and they are cute.Puppys have cute eyes.Puppys have cute little eye that are coulored blue,green and yellow. Puppys are adorable and fluffy.Puppys have a fury and fluffly body to keep them warm.Puppys are helpful because they kill posionus bugs like mousquitos,cockroaches and puss caterpillars.Puppys are good at cheering up because they snuggle with you and somtimes they even keep you cozy.Puppys can catch speedy things like mice and rats there disgusting.Puppys are somtimes vegeterians and all the other puppys are meat puppys.Most puppys have dots and lines inbetween there fur.Some puppys have floppy ears,wrinkly fur and long ears.Puppys are somtimes rough that means there hungry.Conclusion:Puppys are very good and cute.By Mia.

Crocodiles are dangerous :By Andrew

 A crocodile is dangerous and anfibyis monster.                                                                    1.A Crocodiles have's very sharp teeth that can put holes in your bones and where you apart 2.They also can't be seen in the water so if you ignore the sign in ground that's what could happen to you.So that's why I think Crocodiles are very dangerous mosters!!

Crocodiles Are Intristing By Alyssa

I think Crocodiles are Intristing.

Crocodiles have big bumps on there back for a reason to help them breve proppiely.
Crocodiles come in many different types like salt water Crocodiles and fresh water Crocodiles there are more of the salt water Crocodiles then the rest of the Crocodiles spices.

 There are over 4000 Crocodiles in the interior world.
I have intist that they are not Dinosaurs but they are very close to being Dinosaurs?

A butterfly is helpful by Devya

A bee is helpful

A bee is really helpful because they go around from flower to flower collecting pollen from flowers to make honey for people to eat and sell in shops they are cool. from flower


When they go to their second flower they put nectar on the other flower 

Tuesday 7 June 2016

Vocano are dangerous by Vanessa

Vocano are hot burning lava.
A vocano can burn your skin into smoke.
If the burning lava burns you, you will need to get to the hospital.
Vocano lava is very hot and burning for your skin.
It maybe will melt your bones into liquid.
Lava can burn plants into rotten twigs that's left on the ground.
The plants are a type of living too,they just can't speak or move.
Vocano are dangerous hot lava.