Thursday 15 September 2016

Running race by Avijeet

I have to actually do this.
The finish line! YAY!
The crowd is cheering cheerfully for me!
I have to actually do this.
Yes! I finally did it!

                                                                            The end!

The greatest show on earth by Max

This is a short poem i hope you like it!!

I'm the fastest!!
Go Go Go!!
Quick the finish line is finally in sight!!
I'm the fastest!!
Quickly faster faster!!
Exited that i'll win!!
I'm the fastest!!

I hope you enjoyed my poem!!

Wednesday 14 September 2016

How my Koala-robot works by raegan jones

I have a robot koala.

my koala-robot is very useful for digging.It has feet (that look like drills)are able to dig under ground and with its stretchy legs it can stay where it

paroylimpic sport for blind pepoel;by Andrew.b.b

There are many sports for blind people in the paroylimpics. Such as two porson  swiming cycling skiing nine pin bowling archery power lifting judo biathlon futsal goal ball.

Paralympic sports for blind people by max

There are Quite a lot of paralimpic sports that blind people can do here are a few!!

1... Biking. Blind people in the paralympics can do biking but with a special type of two wheeler bike!!

2... Power lifting. Blind and visioned people can do Power lifting in power lifting there is no need to see because you just need to lift heavy things!!

3... Swimming. Blind people are fairly good at swimming i dont know but they might have a director!!

4... Nine pin bowling. Again i dont know how blind people can do bowling but they probably just throw the ball forward and hope to get a strike!!

I hoped you liked my post about blind people!!
Image result for smiley face

My Robot by Liyang

How my robot work's my robot dosen't have leg or a feet it fly's.It's body is circled like a snowmen and it has one eye.
His eye shoot's out laser's.
My robot is made out of strong metal and plastic.
His body is made out of metal so it is very strong his eye is made out of plastic.
My robot dosen't use oil it need's power batteries

Butterfly by Trinity and Andy

it has two wing. it has  two eye.some has red wing. a butterfly has 6 leg Butterflies can't hear, but they can feel vibration
  • Butterflies taste with their feet.Butterflies don't have lungs.

My Robot by Tuia

My robot  has no leg's  or mouth. It has some  holes  so it can noise . It move's from  it's orb .The  antenna  makes  it  work

Sports for blind athletes paralympics 2016 by Raegan

Some sports blind athletes can do even if they can't see.

This is a list of some of the sports 
Athletics, ALPINE SKIING , ARCHERY , cycling  (normally they use a tandem bike for a guide) there is also judo , biathlon,  bowling,powerlifting ,swimming ,shooting, showdown and Futsal  (it's like football)

paralympic sports for the blind by Micah

Did you  know that blind people can compete in the Paralympics? Well they can and here are some sports they do.

1.Cycling.They use a tandem bike with a guide stearing.
2.Swimming.They use their instincts.
3.Judo.this is a little tricky but they do it.
4.Athletics.This is tricky as well but you would get the hang of it.
I hope you enjoyed my facts!!:)

Paralympic sports for blind by luke

There are many sports for blind people here are some and why


This one is a little tricky but you will get the hang of it if your blind you don't just need to see you need to hear.

Power lifting

Like  judo you don't need sight you just need to feel then your all set.


Again  You don't need sight if you have the place mapped out and you can feel also with practice it is easy.


Now this is very very tricky for blind people but it is possible you will need to track mapped out also some pretty swift turning and of course a horse that is very well trained.

mary fisher paralympic swimming. by mia

Image result for picture of a gold medalAt the 2012 Summer Paralympics, Fisher won the gold medal in the 200 m individual medley SM11 in a world record time of 2:46.91.she also won 2 silver 1 bronze the 2 silvers where for 100m freestyle and 100m backstroke and the bronze was for 50m free pretty good.Mary fisher has made lots of world records,she has made 5 world records thats alot!.1 was for 100m fly the 2 was for 100m back 3 was 200m fly 4 was 50m fly and the last one was 200m medley.Mary fisher joined a club called upper hutt club,so thats how she got so fast.Mary fisher has won 16 medals in total for us.THANKS FOR READING MY BLOG!.
Image result for minecraft smile face of herobrine

Friday 9 September 2016

butterfly by joerick

Butterfly they have wings they have intinis they can fly it has 1 bodie it has 5 legs eic it has patins it

Butterflies have wings. They have antennae. They can fly. They have one body. They have 5 legs. They have patterns.

Genetic mutations by Luke

There are some pretty strange mutations that you won't believe but they are true and i'm about to show u some of my favourites.

eye colours

you may be thinking theres only 2 eye colours brown and blue well your wrong!!!There is way more heres a few:Green a combination between blue and amber or light brown eye colour,grey isn't a mixed colour it's more of a failure to create a eye colour eg: blue eye gene is removed ,red and violet like grey eyes it's more of a failure to  make a valid eye colour but instead it mixes the eye colour to make a red and violet you wouldn't have many friends with those kind of eyes.

genetic diseases

You thought that was insane well you'll change your mind after this

Progeria:basically a super fast ageing disease you think it's cool well you die around 13-20 so of course i wouldn't want it also there is no treatment for this and it's permanent but you only live to 13-20 so you don't have to suffer as long as uner tan syndrome.

uner tan syndrome:You are basically now like an animal walking on all fours this is a permanent disease no cure so your stuck with it for life
  Animal mutations

There is a wonderful world of animal mutations here are some of my favourite

ibex mountain goat 

this amazing goat can climb vertical walls!! With special hooves to climb the biggest and bumpiest mountains it can grab a snack on the top of Mt. everest in no time.


They can regenerate entire limbs!!Also they have microscopic hairs that act like suction cups so it can climb walls like the ibex mountain goat!!

electric eel

a electric eel can charge up to 6000 volts and can choose the time to discharge it when threatened thats enough to kill a human  and certainly enough to make your heart skip a beat.


Cats can see in ultraviolet also their eyes can be a colour that no human can have purple though its very rare.They can hear way lower sounds below the human ear range.

inland taipan

a inland taipan is so poisonous that one drop of venom can kill a adult human!!


Tardigrades are basically indestructible they can survive the radiation of space and can go without eating for a decade, they could likely be the first life of mars.

turitopsis 'imortal jellyfish'

well its not completely imortal but it can make itself into the form of a baby and start its life over again.

sea cucumber

sea cucumbers can shapeshift itself into small gaps.

dragon milipede

dragon milipedes are pink which in nature means stay back these toxic beasts spray a poison if your close enough to take a whiff it's most likely to late.

mantis pistol shrimp

it can charge at top speeds the impact is as strong as a rifle bullet and it gets as hot as the sun i guess it can cook and kill its prey at the same time.

cuttle fish

the master of disguise it can mimic the most complicated patterns so it wont be easy finding this tricky fish.

the lesser water boatman

the lesser water boatman is the loudest animal on earth it mades these sounds by rubbing its abdomen just don't tell him he's lesser.


elephants can make ultrasound waves below the human ears so it can send messages up to a mile away to other elephant friends.

genetic mutations by max


1. Did you know that hairy frogs can break bones through their toes and cause one of the most painful things on earth!!
Image result for hairy frog bones coming out

2. Salmons can sense the earths magnetic field to to find their way home! 
Image result for salmon
3. Alpine goats can climb almost vertical walls!! 
Image result for alpine goat climbing
4. Sea cucumbers can shape shift by liquefying them selves to get through small gaps!! 
Image result for sea cucumber
5. Salmanders can grow back whole limbs as can a starfish!!

6. Swifts have been known to fly nonstop for 200 DAYS STRAIGHT WOW!!

7. Electric eels can generate electric shocks up to 600 volts wow!!! 

8. The horned lizard can shoot blood from its eyes!!!!

Rubber By Andrew

Rubber is made of runny white milky liquid called latex it seeps out of the rubber tree.
Image result for rubber

Tuesday 6 September 2016

Butterflies by caitiyn and calais

it has two wing its bedeiy is loin and sinney it is ciafil and prtty it goos to fiowers

It has two wings. It's body is long and shiny. It is colourful and pretty. It goes to flowers.

Sunday 4 September 2016

How instruments work

I have done some research on how instruments work

1 How do instruments work?

Instruments creates sound that can vibrates in different places for different types 
Eg column air inside of wing instruments,strings of string instruments and stretched skin of drums. 

2 What kind of equipment get used to make instruments?

String to make sounds, wood, hard plastic and metal .Eg brass - brass metal 

3 how loud can you make an instrument?

Using amplitude and sound waves you can make instruments so loud you can get your ears damaged. Sometimes when you are plucking a string really hard it could make a loud ,also when you press really hard on a piano key it can be very loud. 

4 do instrument makers have special techneques?

Yes they do for different types Eg gutars are made by putting the parts together and then you can add the strings.

5 how long does it take to build instruments? 

It takes a long time but it depends what kind of types. 

I hope you liked my facts !!!

how do guitars work by Mia

1.what is guitars made out of?.
Image result for guitars awesomemodern and wood.

2.when was the guitar introduced?.
in 1981 that was in the olden days. many guitar strings where made at fender factory?.
900,0000 per hour/day. many strings are on most of the guitars.
on most of the guitars there are six strings.

5.what is the most played insrument after piano.

thanks everybody for reading my blog.Image result for minecraft smiley face

red wolves by Micah

Hi everyone! I did some research on Red Wolves and here's what I found out.
1.Where do Red Wolves live? They live in the South Eastern United States in forests.
2. What colour are  Red Wolves? They are grey.
3. What is a Red Wolves diet? It consists of small rodents, deer, rabbits, berries and insects.
Image result for red wolvesThanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed it!

Thursday 1 September 2016

The Big Race by Micah

I can do it!
Anxious and happy
Footsteps behind me
I can do it!
Big bushy trees and bushes
It's the finish line
I can do it!