Tuesday, 18 October 2016

Why We Should Eat Bugs by Shayne

We should eat bugs because they are healthy and  they have high protien which helps our body to grow.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Some bugs taste nice even taste like popcorn.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Some bugs can scare people but not everyone.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              So pop that bug in your mouth and savor the crunch

Why you shouldn't eat Bugs By Avijeet

                                                    Why you shouldn't eat Bugs

Hello everyone welcome to my blog post, I think you should never ever eat bugs and here are some reasons why.

Firstly, Bugs are so small so they won't fill you up that fast so you have to eat so many which I do not want to do. Anyways they are so small compared to Beef. Including weight.

Secondly, Bugs are crunchy most people hate crunchy stuff. Including me.

In my conclusion you should never ever, EVER eat bugs.

Thursday, 13 October 2016

The Greatest Race Ever a Poem By Luke


Not gonna stop.
The finish line is beckoning me.
I can see the finish faintly in the jungle mist.
The bushes rattle faintly like a rattle snake.
Not Gonna Stop.
I feel a throbbing pain that tells me to keep going
Not gonna stop
As i run to the end a swelling pain of hope and courage runs through me.

rio 2016 by Liyang

first one to the to the finish line
light red finish line 
I'm going to win the trophy 
fans cheering loudly 

The greatest 100 meter race.........By Keana

come on i can do this
excited and nervous
wind blowing crowd supporting
not gonna break me
the finish line is in my sight

sweets By Keana

Hand made sweets

All sweets used to be made by hand.long ago,people made their sweets by chopping sweet fruits such as dates figs very finely and mixing them to a paste with honey.people still make sweets by hand, and you can make them at home. Crystallized flowers are made by brushing dry, edible flowers with egg white and dusting them with castor sugar.Cooked sweets, such as fudge,Toffees and caramels are simple and fun to make.fudge is made from a syrup of sugar and

Tuesday, 11 October 2016

NOBODY should eat bugs by Raegan

I think nobody should eat bugs because they are discusting .

My first reason is what if  your friend is afraid of bugs they'll be grossed out and who would want to sit next to you at lunch when you have bugs in your teeth . I don't think you would want to be alone because of bugs in your teeth.

My next reason is the crunch it would totally make you frightened because hearing the noise CRUNCH !!! ,don't you think it would be unusual . If I wanted to eat crunchy food I can eat chips.

My third and final reason is even if you don't like bugs they are tiny anyway and won't fill you up at all  how will you get filled up on bugs . The only way  bugs will fill  you up is if you eat a whole swarm ewwwww you would probably be sick.

I truly  hope you belive me .

bugs are good by James Nicholson

1 bug are healthy.bug have thousands of minaralls and vitamins.2 how many people eat bugs well billions and billions of people have been eating bugs.3bug tastes  I like crikits because they taste like popcorn

My HPK Compatition.by mia

Image result for minecraft smiley faceIntroduction:I've been doing swimming for 6 years and i have done somthing special so I will tell you all about it by the way Im in a club called HPK Stands for Howick Pakuranga club!.

I'm in a club called HPK I know that when my club ends with a k its ment to be a c but its what the manager called so now i will tell you all about it.On saturday and sunday I was doing a compatiton
Image result for hpk sign swimmingfor my swimming when we started I started off with 50 breast then all my other races.I will also tell you that PB Means you beat your old time say if your time was 3.30.33 and the stroke and meter was 100 meter free so thats 4 laps! pretty easy so when you swim there are other people you have to beat but you might think your against them but you thought wrong but its actully againts the clock so you have to try and bet your time like i said your time was 3.30.33 and it turned into3.25.32 thats a PB that means PERSONAL BEST! Most of you proballydont get but you will get it soon!.SO On saturday I had 4 races pretty tough but it gets harder and harder so trust me you dont want to be me.For the first race I had 50 breast as you heard so you might think thats pretty easy but could you do 100 meter fly now thats pretty hard but I've done it like 10 times.In my compation I had like 8 race but    I pretty much won all of them expet for 2 races but I came like last or 4th and 5th but you wont to beleive this! I won 6 medals as I showed room 4 the medals I got was 3 bronze3 silver and OMG 2 golds but my friend her name is Kendall Angelas daughter not Angela graham had won maybe I shouldnt tell you its way to epic should I tell you I dont know....Fine I'll tell you she won 4 MEDALS THAT WAS GOLD and also I got a trophey for fastest time in 25 butterfly I came 3rd!Well there you have it I hope you enjoyed your time reading my blog

Monday, 10 October 2016

super duper amazing facts of swets by james

1,did you know that a sweet workshop has been itlay and been beried by mt vesuvius.2,did you know that choocolate is made by coca beans and coca powder and coca buter.3,did you know that in the olden days in france a rich [well i do not know ] lady made something called tu nous gates made from suger,honey,eggs,nuts and fruit.,4,have you seen an actor crash throght a window? weel they use suuger glass insed of real glass becuse it,s much safer suger glass.5, you can make your oun sweets.6,honey-pot ants are actrly a great helthy derset treat.7,the hardeist treat is to get honey from a wild bee hive full of bees yikes.8,you know small sweets like easter eggs the sweet makers make the wrapers by plastic paper and ceelophane.,9you know that there are 17 difrint kinds of suger. and 10 well sadly sweets are the worst things you can eat boo hoo hoo weel HORAY 10 FACTS OF SWEETS                                                           GOOD BYE AND RENEMER LOOK IN THE EYE                                                                   O O                                                                                                                                                              \_/     ch 2 hey guys how are you? well i,m fine here we go for more facts abouut sweets are you ready? weel lets go 11,my favorate is white cholate to make that i think i need to use coca beans and milk.12you know i like sweets mabe now i have to go back now ill see you sonn bye

Why you should NEVER eat bugs by Luke

If you look at a bug and think what does it taste like, well i don't think it tastes nice I'm here to tell you about why bugs  are not supposed to be eaten.

 First you may think I'm just saying it because bugs are yuck but your wrong bugs are not  food they're supposed to help break down waste eating them then liking the taste attracts more people to eat them then poof no more bugs and then we will meet our fate in a heap of rubbish.

Secondly Just think how disgusting eating them would be THEY COULD CONTAIN RABIES!!!  and anyone with rabies will die in 1-3 days without treatment of course.

Bugs do contain high protein but you never know what new disease lurks round the corner rabies was created because humans ate dead things  that were out of date and they never noticed what was on it,the result is to small to see bacteria that could be:Rabies,plague,also bugs have low sugar so if our diet changed uh oh we probably wouldn't survive a day in a zombie  apocalypse because we NEED SUGAR  TO SURVIVE!!!

Please just listen it's no  good it's fatal soon maybe your favorite treat eg:candy could soon be changed into chocolate beetles it's not likely but it's always good to be aware.

Lastly PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't eat bugs but go ahead if you want to i can't stop you who knows maybe I'm wrong and they are good i'll give you some good things about eating bugs because i don't really care I'm one of those people who like foods and will try a lot of things but I'm being cautious of what might happen and predicting what will happen.

Fact one. High protein yes they do have high protein,

Fact two. Crickets have the aroma of popcorn crazy right.

Fact three. Cicadas were considered as a luxury treat in ancient Egypt.

 4. You can always dip bugs in chocolate if you don't want to taste it on it's own.

Yes I have to admit bugs may be good but of course i don't wanna eat them do you???

Keep an eye out for more blog posts also i have exclusive pictures and different conclusions every time well maybe not every time but most of the time.

Image result for happy cat meme Thanks for reading my blog post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Make sure to keep an eye out for more of my scrumptious and fact-o-licious blog posts trust me they're amazing so make sure to check back daily (not guaranteed daily blog posts) but just check back just if` i do post something.

Some pictures of chocolate coated bugs to make you make up your mind if your on the bug eater side or the anti bug eater side but just please DO NOT war over which is better,We all have different opinions.

Image result for chocolate cockroaches
Image result for chocolate covered beetles.Image result for chocolate covered beetlesThis is weird hmm what does it taste like??? My opinion yuck.

I say don't eat bugs by Micah

You might think it's gross to eat bugs and i do to.
Eating bugs is wrong because they should be in your compost heap breaking down all that stuff.

Just imagine that you were a bug living a happy life when someone picks you up and eats you.

 Some bugs would be so crunchy and would get stuck between your teeth.Just imagining it makes me quiver!

Bugs might contain deadly diseases like rabies.Imagine eating a bug then two days later your in bed having an injection.

Image result for chocolate covered beetles

I think eating bugs is gross and that no one   should do it.So look out for more of my fact filled posts!

By Micah

Sunday, 9 October 2016


When I went to inter school I got off the bus and went up a hill . the year 4 girls  went first I was surprised because boys always Go first . I was surprised

Saturday, 1 October 2016

My new house

We moved to Halmiton on Sunday and the back of the house is big!!!.
There are mouses that sucks PS Andrew  aidan and alex you are the best by Andy