Monday 21 November 2016

Koalas by mia

Do you know lots of  facts about koalas? If you dont I'll tell you.
Image result for koala baby

Koalas are fluffy and cute and also adorable.Did you know koalas weigh 30 pounds? Thats alot! Koalas are harmless.They have sharp
claws,sharper than a chainsaw.Koalas quite slow,slower then a snail.Koalas are very quiet.You could hear a pin drop.Just to make it clear they're not bears!OK.Koalas eat gum leaves and insects.Probably You already know this but I'm going to tell you anyway.Koalas live in Australia hot,hot Australia.Finally koalas have a pink nose with some fluffy grey fur.

Image result for kittens

I think that koalas are a great type of animal because they eat interesting types of leaves called gum leaves.


                                 IM NOT HAPPY


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