Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Bullet ants by micah

A bullet ant is a small insect with the most painful  bite in the world. 😮🐜

Bullet ants  eat a wide variety of things including other insects,nectar,resin,sap and rubber.They rarely eat other bullet ants.

Bullet ants are an insect which means they have 3 body parts and 6 legs. They are reddish brown in colour.

Bullet ants have a very painful bite which is said to feel like being shot.

Bullet ants live in the Amazon rainforest in Brazil at the bottom of trees.

Bullet ants are a non-aggressive species and their workers guard the nest.

I never want to be bitten by a bullet ant.

I hope u enjoyed this post. 😃😃😃😃Also hope u learnt new things that shocked u😨😃😃😃.
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