Tuesday 31 May 2016

Australia Is My Favourite place by shayne

I love Australia because it has Sea world, Movie world and wet,n wild.Sea world is like a place with sea animals. I watched a seal show and it was about  a seal being a cop and there was a  person and he was a bad guy and he was rich so the seal had find the bad and to give his money to the poor.Movie world had awesome roller coaster,s and there was a roller coster that said 5 4 3 2 1  and then you shoot up to the sky and then you come down and up and down.Then I got to see green lantern, cat women,wonder women,super girl, flash and batman.Wet,n wild is a swimming park it also has a wave pool.They have a slide which you drop and you do a loop and my dad he was coming down then he fliped and then he splashed and everyone was laughing.when I got to my cabin I got changed and I jump,t in the pool with my cousein Rubin and we were playing doge ball and I thrue the ball and it hit  his bottem.Then when I got to the cabin I switched on the tv and the green lantern movie was on in 3 minutus so I had a shower and I got changed for the movie and green lantern can make anything.After that I went to sleep.WAKE UP SHAYNE!!!!!! said my brother we are going to movie world so I quickly got had a shower  and I got changed.Then I went to my aunty's departmant and I said OPEN UP!!!!! so they opened the door and I rushed in and I jumped on my aunty's bed.Then I went to my aunty and said we are going to movie world so my aunty did what I did.

white tailed spiders are dangerous by joerick

i think white tailed spiders are dangerous because they can kill enemies liyc usir spidrer and eat them

Koalas should live all around the world by Raegan

I think koalas are so amazing that they defiantly  deserve to live all around the world.they are in danger,the're so adorable koalas need to be everywhere and koalas in just one country they could die so much faster then animals in more then one country.

First I think it's unfair that koalas are in danger, it's really sad that koalas could of  course become   instinct  faster.koalas could even die when there only babies.

although koalas are the most adorable creature on earth they can also make anyone smile and there just needed everywhere not just in Australia.

Koalas just in one country die really fast so if all koalas die in one country more will be alive in another.

I hope you agree that koalas should live all around the world they are to adorable to not agree!!!!!!!

Monday 30 May 2016

snapping turtles are interesting by Aidan

I think snapping turtles are interesting.

 If piked up carefully they won't bite you.

When their in the swamp you can barely see them.    

Compered to a regular turtle the snapping turtle is huge

So thats  why I think snapping turtles are interesting.  

kittens are cute. by caitlyn

Their hole body is fluffy  They sleep cutely and helpfully. kittens are adorable. they climb trees with  Their paws. they are clever a lot.they meow so calm and softly. kittens are adorable I love them alot