Wednesday 24 August 2016

Nagisa and Yuina's visit

This week Nagisa and Yuina came to our school from Japan. We did some activities to show them some things about New Zealand.


They had fun playing knucklebones.

In Room 6 we played some rakau games.

In Room 5 we made some creations with strings. Maori call the game whai. In Japan they are called ayatori.

We learnt how to do origami - folding paper to make shapes.

We  made chocolate crackles. They were yummy, scrumptious, crunchy, taste bud thrilling, delicious, amazing, sticky, chocolaty, fantabulous and coconutty.

Yuina did a drumming dance called Soran-bushi for us. 

Nagisa showed us a game with a cup and ball - kendama. She was very good at it. We thought it was pretty hard.

We enjoyed having Nagisa and Yuina in Room 4.

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