Monday, 30 May 2016

snapping turtles are interesting by Aidan

I think snapping turtles are interesting.

 If piked up carefully they won't bite you.

When their in the swamp you can barely see them.    

Compered to a regular turtle the snapping turtle is huge

So thats  why I think snapping turtles are interesting.  


  1. you did good no you didn't do good you did awesome by shayne

  2. Snapping turtles sound interesting.I was persuaded a lot it was good punctuation. I want to know if they bite and I want to know more about them please!are snapping turtles as slow as normal turtles and do they look like other turtles?
    Raegan and Alyssa

  3. Aiden, was trying to persuade us that snapping turtles are interesting.
    Yes, because snapping turtles are amazing.
    No, because you didn't have any punctuation.
    Where do snapping turtles live?
