Monday 10 October 2016

super duper amazing facts of swets by james

1,did you know that a sweet workshop has been itlay and been beried by mt vesuvius.2,did you know that choocolate is made by coca beans and coca powder and coca buter.3,did you know that in the olden days in france a rich [well i do not know ] lady made something called tu nous gates made from suger,honey,eggs,nuts and fruit.,4,have you seen an actor crash throght a window? weel they use suuger glass insed of real glass becuse it,s much safer suger glass.5, you can make your oun sweets.6,honey-pot ants are actrly a great helthy derset treat.7,the hardeist treat is to get honey from a wild bee hive full of bees yikes.8,you know small sweets like easter eggs the sweet makers make the wrapers by plastic paper and ceelophane.,9you know that there are 17 difrint kinds of suger. and 10 well sadly sweets are the worst things you can eat boo hoo hoo weel HORAY 10 FACTS OF SWEETS                                                           GOOD BYE AND RENEMER LOOK IN THE EYE                                                                   O O                                                                                                                                                              \_/     ch 2 hey guys how are you? well i,m fine here we go for more facts abouut sweets are you ready? weel lets go 11,my favorate is white cholate to make that i think i need to use coca beans and milk.12you know i like sweets mabe now i have to go back now ill see you sonn bye

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